Real Food vs Pop It Food!!! -

Real Food vs Pop It Food!!!

Trinity and Beyond
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Real Food vs Pop It Food!!!
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Real Food vs Pop Its Food!!! The craze is all about pop its right now so we decided to try out a fun challenge. Pop it foods vs real foods! We got different shaped pop its and their real food version and let Trinity and Madison test their luck on which one they end up with. Of course we had a fun surprise for them at the end!

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Hey guys! Thanks for visiting our YouTube Channel! This channel stars Trinity and her whole YouTube Family with Madison, Dad, Mom, and Preston! This is a fun channel made for the whole family to watch together! We do lots of good exciting videos that are tons of fun for everyone; in real life character scavenger hunts, pranks, family challenges, and more!

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  1. I love I love fidgets I also have pea poppers

  2. lol trinity remind me of my friend that hates vegies

  3. Carrots, are not gross they are good they are delicious and healthy 🥕🤤😆

  4. The strawberry thing with salt only works when it's not watched and try that and then you wash your strawberrys and enjoy them! I love that madison and trinity got so so big over the year and have a nice day!

  5. You guys remind me of me and my sister.

  6. I guess now it’s a fruit and vegetable vs pop it vs pets I love you so much ❤

  7. You did the trick wrong, you were supposed to put salt in the water first, then put the strawberry in with nothing on it, then worms will crawl out

  8. I’ve been watching you since I was 4 and now I am 7

  9. I can’t Believe tirnity hates peas because I love peasI love your channel so much❤ stay healthy everyone

  10. Thor the strawberries 🍓 you have to wait for half an hour before the insects to come out 🪱

  11. I love your vids they are so family friendly 😊😊😊😊

  12. Madison is a good girl she eats her vegetables and fruits really healthy🙂🙂🙂

  13. You guys are awesome and you are my favorite youtubers

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